Revising is one of the most challenging parts of the writing process. Students need a lot of guidance and practice with revising as they confer with their teacher and peers. It takes a lot of time to revise a writing piece so giving students the tools they need to be successful during writer’s workshop is key for them to understand why and how to revise. This resource is especially helpful for revising with a focus on the six traits and uses the formula add+, subtract-, change X, and divide/.
Revising Formula:
+ Add- What can be added to the writing to make it better
– Subtract- What can be subtracted from the writing to make it better
X Change- What can be changed in the writing to make it better
/ Divide- How/where can the writing be divided to make it better
What’s included:
Six Traits Revising Checklist Posters (8.5 x 11) for your Writer’s Workshop bulletin board or reference wall:
•REVISE (with formula add+, subtract-, change X, and divide/)
•Six Traits Add checklist
•Six Traits Subtract checklist
•Six Traits Change checklist
•Six Traits Divide checklist
•REVISE- Six Traits of Writing checklist
•2 REVISE blank checklists with formula and bullets
•2 REVISE blank Six Traits checklists with formula and bullets
•Six Traits checklist (all the traits with the formula)
•6 individual trait posters with the formula (ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions)
Six Traits Student Reference Checklists (Half Sheet) for Writer’s Workshop notebooks, folders or binder ring:
•REVISE (with formula add+, subtract-, change X, and divide/)
•Six Traits Add checklist
•Six Traits Subtract checklist
•Six Traits Change checklist
•Six Traits Divide checklist
•REVISE- Six Traits of Writing checklist
•2 REVISE blank checklists with formula and bullets
•2 REVISE Six Trait checklists with formula and bullets
•Six Traits checklist (all the traits with the formula)
•6 individual trait posters with the formula (ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions)
This is a digital download (PDF).
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