Teachers near or far are finishing out the school year with engaging and memorable activities for their students. There are all kinds of celebrations and end-of-year field trips and field days…fun, fun, and more fun! But teachers, students, and parents are getting ready to say their goodbyes and on that never-ending to-do list include getting farewell gifts for students.
I’ll never forget the gift my 2nd-grade teacher gave me at the end of the school year. It was a personalized keepsake box with my name on it. I still can visualize it to this day. It was purple and my name was written on it with a yellow gel pen with a flower on each side of my name. I absolutely loved this gift and it meant the world to me that my teacher personalized it just for me. There is something about seeing my name on something or somewhere that just makes me smile. It’s just so personal. So now as a teacher I love to personalize gifts for my students. Here are my absolute favorite personalized parting gifts.
Summer Reading Books & Bookmarks
I always shop on Scholastic to check out their dollar deals or even purchase a book set of 6 books to distribute separately. I keep my students’ interests and reading levels in mind when trying to match students with just-right books. I always found the right books I was looking for whether it was a chapter book, classic novel, summer Mad Libs, or just a fun, summer read. There is such a variety of books that you are bound to find the perfect fit for whatever grade you teach.
I write a personalized message inside the front cover of the book and include a personalized bookmark. This was a little treasure for my students. They loved writing notes to me and it was even more special when I wrote them back every time. This was a gift and a note from me that they could take with them and remember me by, just like the gift my teacher gave me. My students truly love special gifts like this.
Other years I would select some of my favorite books for my students to choose from. Since most of my students were avid readers and have read so many books, it was sometimes hard to choose books they haven’t read yet. I’d place a sign that says, Mrs. Weis’ Must-Read Summer Books…go ahead…take one! On the inside cover of the books, I would write a personalized note explaining why it was one of my favorite reads. Many of the kids loved the choice in what they picked and skipped out of the classroom with a smile. Choose some of your favorite books for your students!
Summer Writing Journals & Fancy Pens/Pencils
My classroom has always been a classroom full of writers and authors so personalized summer journals were especially fitting for my students. I would personalize the journal by putting the student’s name on the front with a picture of them working on a writing piece. Inside I would include more photos of my students during writer’s workshop. On the first page of the journal is a farewell letter from myself telling the student how much they have grown as a student and writer, and of course how much I will miss them. I’d also include a fun pen, pencil, or even better a mechanical pencil. What kid doesn’t love mechanical pencils?! We leave the back inside cover for classmates’ autographs with a way to contact each other for summer playdates. I bought notebooks or journals at the Dollar Tree for a buck and then personalized them.
Writer Gift Bags
I loved creating these gift bags for my students. These gift bags were a very special gift for my students who were one of the 3 classes that won the Scholastic Kids Are Authors writing competition, a national writing competition that focuses on reading, writing, and artistic skills. (You could read about the Kids Are Authors competition here.) We came in the top 25 nationally for our fiction picture book entry 3 years in a row. Since the winners were announced at the very end of the year, this was a perfect time to celebrate and fill these little baggies with all things writers love, like little notepads, pens, pencils, erasers, sticky notes, etc. On the front was a poem that was dedicated to them as writers.
And For The Parents…
I always send home a little personalized farewell note as I give them back their child. I love this freebie that you could find on TPT. I also include an informational end-of-year newsletter with summer resources, my Handy Dandy Summer checklist, which could be downloaded here, and these editable Summer Reading Brochures as a reminder to READ and to keep going with some kind of learning over the summer. As a parent, I know how hard it is to balance work, home, and school so I think these simple one-pagers are so useful. Stick it on the fridge and you are good to go. Or at least that is what I hope they do. 🙂
Other inexpensive gifts that I’ve done in the past:
Give each student an Inflatable 12″ Rainbow Color Beach Balls (12 Pack) (affiliate link to Amazon.com) and a sharpie to get all of their classmates to sign their ball before leaving for summer.
Pail with shovel filled with summer goodies for younger grades, like sunglasses and sidewalk chalk. (Pails and shovels $1 each, pack of sidewalk chalk $3 at Target, 24 Pack 80’s Style Neon Party Sunglasses (affiliate link to Amazon.com).
Bubbles- necklaces or wands are fun! (one bubble wand or pack of 4 bubble necklaces for $1 at Target)
I attached a personalized note to each and every gift I give as a memory for my students.
How do you end the year with your students? What goodies do you prepare? Share them! I love getting new ideas.
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Missed it? Read my previous posts 5 Meaningful Ways to Engage Your Students at the End of the Year and 5 Must Do End of Year Activities.
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Christine Weis is a passionate educator, classroom management coach, wife, and mom of two busy boys. She enjoys teaching, writing, and creating resources for teachers.
I wish you were my teacher 😯! These sounds super Awesome! I wish when I was little we got these! Obviously I’m too old to be in your class..wish my son was then, haha he’s in gr 2 going into gr 3. He loves books and would probably think you’re super awesome too for these cool ideas. Thanks for sharing, I’m sure other teachers will find this helpful. The kids will enjoy this.
xo, Maria | https://imommy.co
Thanks so much Maria! My favorite grades to teach are second and third grade. I hope your son has two fantastic years in school and many more to follow. Thanks for your thoughtful comment!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
You are a mind reader! I have been shopping for a week now, searching for just the “write” trinkets and treats for my firsties’ end of the year gifts. I did include notebooks, post-its and ordered scholastic books for them. I still have yet to find the “smencils” I know they will love. I am definitely going to take the time to write personal notes in their books like you suggested. I have such a wonderful class this year, I don’t want to see them go…so I want to spoil them! Thanks for all the tips!
Thank you Lori! Sounds like you already have a great start for finding thoughtful gifts for your students. They will love a personalized note from you… their favorite teacher! So glad you had a wonderful class this year. It’s hard to let go of a class like that. Thanks for your thoughtful comment as always!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
We don’t have this tradition in the UK. It sounds like great fun planning ahead and thinking what goodies you can choose. I imagine some of them are picked because of the personality of the student or the class as a whole. I love making goody bags for people, it’s my mother’s 80th birthday in July and everyone at the party is getting a party bag and I am making stained glass window hangers for them all.
Enjoy the journey!
You are a bright and inspiring teacher. Thank you so much for being so dedicated and caring of your students! Society needs more teachers like you who go out of their way to make each student feel loved and appreciated. 🙂
Patricia… this is one of the nicest and most thoughtful comments that I ever received! You made me smile! Thank you so much!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
Wow! These ideas are amazing!! Never received a gift from a teacher lol
Thanks Heather! I’m sorry that you never received a gift from a teacher 😢
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
These are such nice ideas. Really thoughtful.
Thank you! Thanks for reading and for leaving a comment!
Christine at For The Love of Teacher
Wow, I absolutely love these ideas! As a gift from my English teacher last year for Christmas, she had given me some of her favorite books, as well as some other English geeky things which I adored. But not once had I found a teacher – elementary through high school – that would give farewell gifts. This is a spectacular idea, thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you Ashlee! English geeky things and favorite books from your teacher are thoughtful and sentimental gifts. Love it! I can tell that it stuck with you! Thanks for your comment…appreciate it!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers