Now that spring break has come and gone and you are feeling refreshed, it’s time to get through the final weeks of school. But how? The kids are going wild with spring fever acting like it is summer break already and you still have to teach. Three words my teacher friends…you got this! But it’s not going to be easy! Here’s what you are going to do to survive the final weeks of school without going crazy and keeping your job.
Do Not Stray From Routine
There are signs of spring everywhere, the birds chirping, longer sunlit days, and beautiful flowers are in bloom. Forget about spring fever, it’s more like summer fever. Unfortunately, school is not out yet and the number one thing to keep you sane is to not stray from routine. Continue doing your normal routine every day because once you slip, they know that it’s over and it’s not over until the last student is dismissed and the last bus pulls away. Teach the way you normally would, have high expectations, and reinforce the rules to keep everyone in a safe learning environment.
Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun. What to do? Change it up. Take your students outdoors to learn. Do an outdoor stem activity, read a class fave aloud under a tree in full bloom, or my personal favorite, have students do a partner walk and talk about a big idea or concept they are learning about. Bring out the sidewalk chalk and have the kids hopscotch their way through their multiplication facts or draw a visual about a learned concept. Whatever suits the grade you teach, take the learning outside and have some fun in the sun either digging a bit deeper into learning or reviewing concepts or skills. Both you and your students will be happy that you did.
Get Organized
Start preparing now. Think about what needs to be done as far as packing personal belongings, classroom materials, and supplies. What needs to be done on the administrative side, like final assessments, grades and report cards, and cumulative folders? What needs to be done about student’s materials, supplies, portfolios, and projects? How about the physical space? Does anything need to be moved, removed, or repaired?
Don’t do this alone. Utilize your students well. What could they do to help you reorganize, pack up, file, sort, label, rubber band? Make piles to keep, trash, and donate, too. Assign students to help with these responsibilities. They love this stuff!
As crazy as this may sound, start preparing for next year. My best well-kept secret is how I leave for summer each year with all of my copies, lamination, resources, and materials ready for the following September. How you ask? The organized teacher inside me keeps a top-secret folder with everything I need for the first 6 weeks of school. With some small revisions, I’m ready to get many of the things I need to be done for September now. I put this with all of my favorite back-to-school resources and materials in a safe location so I could retrieve it with ease when I returned. Smart, huh?!
Celebrate Good Times, Come On
The end of the year is the best time to plan some really fun events and just have fun with your students.
Field Day – I love a good field day with my students as I watch and join them in outdoor activities, continually building relationships and classroom community. Your school doesn’t have a field day? Well then plan one of your own with your students or with other teachers on your grade.
Project Display – Have your students worked on a special project or writing piece? Well now is the time to show it off and display it. Invite other classes, students and/or parents for a museum walk to ask questions about their work. Show it off, brag about it, teach other students. Encourage students to have fun with the work they produce and to be proud of it.
End of Year Trip – Planning a day out, even to a park to have a picnic lunch, is a great way to celebrate friendship and classroom community. Choose a location where your students will enjoy spending some quality time together. Have a backup if it rains or you will have some disappointed kiddos!
Farewell Breakfast – Feed them and they will come! I plan breakfasts throughout the year on special occasions and we get a nice turnout. For this one parents and students join together one last time to say their goodbyes. And we didn’t just have coffee and donuts. I’ve had some amazing parents go all out bringing in pancakes, homemade egg bakes, banana bread, pies…you name it, we’ve had it. It definitely beats having a class party with chips and cupcakes. Families join together for one last time and exchange their goodbyes.
Stay Positive
Encourage students to persevere through the final weeks of school with positive words and affirmations. Teach, learn, smile, and repeat. If your students see you setting positive behavior, they will follow in your example. It will be easier for everyone if everyone chugs along on the positive train until school is out. And it won’t be long. Each and every school year does come to an end. Remember you got this!
What are some things you do to survive the final weeks of school? Share in the comments below.
If you like this post, you might like 5 Must Do End of the Year Activities.
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Christine Weis is a passionate educator, classroom management coach, wife, and mom of two busy boys. She enjoys teaching, writing, and creating resources for teachers.
Great idea listed to help ease the stress of the end of the year! I love the “Get Organized”- that is the source of my anxiety so if I begin now, it should be a smooth transition! Thanks for sharing these helpful tips to try!
Thanks Megan and for commenting on this post. Good idea to get organized now to relieve anxiety. I always feel so good getting organized, especially for next year!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
I love your idea for the Museum Walk. What a great way for the students to show off their work and their accomplishments for the school year. We could put their writing on display, reading logs, etc. You got me thinking….. 🙂
Thanks Lori!! Museum walks are awesome! I hope you get to do a few.. your kiddos will love it! Thanks for your comment!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
I have quite a few teacher friends I’m going to send this too as the last term must seem like a bit of a hard slog – at least after then you’ve got the summer holidays though!
Thanks for passing this post along! I hope it helps your teacher friends!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
These are great tips! Especially the celebrating part!
Thanks Mrs. T! Appreciate your comment!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
The end of the year is always the hardest time to focus, especially for the students too. Thanks for sharing!
Good point… it’s hard for the students too! Thanks for your comment!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
Great article as we come into the last few weeks of school!
Thanks so much for your comment!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
I love that this is a guide for teachers, usually, they are written from the student’s point of view. Most forget that teachers also need to survive finals week. Good luck.
Thank you for your comment! Interesting…I was thinking about the students perspective about how to survive the final weeks of school and possibly comparing the two. That would be something! Thanks for the feedback!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
You have a very original blog. Never seen a blog for teachers before! Really liked your article and I think some of your tips might even be applicable on other jobs as well!
This has been the best comment yet… thank you! Originality is what I’m aiming for! I hope what I write is applicable to other professions since there is such a wide variety of readers and bloggers out there! Thanks for your feedback. You made my day! 😊
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
I have literally given this to my little sister to read – she’s freaking out!
Oh that’s awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers
Oh my…do pass it along then! Thanks!!!
Christine at For The Love of Teachers