Social Media Profile & Post How To


Quick Checkout


4th - 12th, Higher Education, Adult Education,






Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or any other social media platform, today’s students use social media as a way of communicating daily. If monitored, social media profiles and posts could tell us a lot about our students. Students who use social media should know and understand what is appropriate to post and what is not. We want students to create profiles and post responsibly. Use this How To guide to teach your students how to create a social media profile and appropriate posts on social media. Let your students know that there are consequences if you become aware of something inappropriate or alarming that they post about themselves or others. School safety is our main priority and won’t be ignored. (recently updated!)

What’s included:

*Social Media Profile Guidelines – gives students guidelines as to what’s appropriate to include in a profile and what is safe to share on social media.

*Social Media Profile Checklist- students use this checklist to create or revise existing social media profiles. You could also have students critique the examples and their peers’ profiles using this checklist.

*6 (3 girl and 3 boy) Profile Templates- students use these templates to draft profiles. You could use the templates to create examples profiles for students to critique using the guidelines and checklist.

*Social Media Post Guidelines -gives students guidelines to what is appropriate to post on social media and what’s not, focusing on the content, intent, and images.

*Social Media Post Checklist- students use this checklist to critique and evaluate their posts on social media.

*Post It or Trash It? Template- You or your students could create sample posts to critique and evaluate and decide whether that post could be posted or trashed, focusing on appropriate content and images, using the guidelines and checklist. You may want to discuss cyberbullying too.

*Social Media Posts Templates- Students practice drafting posts that are appropriate to post on social media using what they learned about creating appropriate and safe social media posts. Use the social media post templates (phones, IPAD) to publish a post or create a “social media friendly” bulletin board display.

*BONUS templates for texting in both color & black and white. If applicable to your student’s age/grade level, you may want to discuss how texting, today’s form of communication, can be misinterpreted and can also be used inappropriately.

I hope this guide helps teach your students what is appropriate and acceptable to put on social media. Teachers are on the front lines when it comes to school safety so it’s important that we are proactive in teaching students social media norms and expectations, and even more so to do something if you see something.

This is a digital download (PDF).

Enjoy! From My Classroom To Yours!

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