Is your Writer’s Workshop an epic fail? You hate to write, hate to teach writing and your students do too? In order for a Writer’s Workshop to be successful you & your students need the right tools and resources. This toolkit has a variety of must-have resources that every Writer’s Workshop needs.
5 BIG Resources:
1. The Writing Process
•5 Writing Process posters – Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing & Publishing for your Writer’s Workshop bulletin board or writing reference wall
•6 Revising Checklists (Six Traits Checklist, +Add checklist, -Subtract checklist, X Change Checklist, / Divide Checklist, + – X / Checklist)- Half sheet
•Editing Checklist- Half sheet
•Peer Confer Checklist- Half sheet
•Teacher Conferring Log- In each box record the date & name of the student with a short blurb of what each student will work on after the conference. Ex. Suzy will revise her writing & focus on organization. Juan will add more details that show, not tells.
•Status of the Class Banner- allows teachers to know the status of each student’s progress at any given point of time in the writing process. Includes the 5 stages of the writing process.
*Laminate the Status of The Class banner horizontally or vertically beginning with planning, drafting, revising, editing & publishing. Each student gets a “writer.” Put students’ names or initials on each writer and laminate the sheet. Students place where they are in the writing process on the banner. Putty or Velcro squares work well once the banner and writers are laminated. Students move their writers across the banner throughout the writing process until they get to publishing. This is a great visual for teachers to see a quick snapshot of where all students are in the writing process. Your students will love it too!
•1 page of 24 boy writers for status of the class poster
•1 page of 24 girl writers for status of the class poster
•1 page of 24 boy and girl writers for status of the class poster
•Writing Goal template (pencils- color and black and white)
2. FATP (Planning)– FATP is an acronym that stands for Format, Audience, Topic & Purpose. It is an excellent writing strategy for students to plan their writing. This resource helps to introduce, teach & practice using FATP to plan writing.
An intro to FATP (PowerPoint Slideshow Presentation)
•What is FATP?
•Examples of Form, Audience, Topic & Purpose
•Example sentences to identify FATP
•Sticky Note Scavenger Hunt Activity
•FATP posters (color) to enlarge for the Scavenger Hunt activity as an additional option
•Sticky note template to print on
•4 pages of 3×3 sticky notes each with examples of form, audience, topic, and purpose for the Scavenger Hunt activity. Serves as an answer key too.
•Blank sticky note template for students to come up with other forms, audiences, topics, and purposes
•FATP posters to enlarge, use independently or in small groups with sticky notes for kids to write directly on (in both color & black and white)
Scavenger Hunt Activity
This activity can be done in a few ways. I enlarge each of the FATP posters and hang them around my classroom. I print out each of the examples of FATP onto sticky notes. I either give each student or pair of students a sticky note(s) with one of the examples of FATP OR I hide the sticky notes around the classroom for them to find and place onto one of the FATP pig posters. For example, the student(s) that have/find “letter” on their sticky note place it on the “form” poster because a letter is a form of writing.
Other options:
•FATP posters can be projected onto your whole group projector or smart board and students place the sticky notes directly onto the FATP poster. If you’re displaying the FORM pig you might ask, anyone who has or finds a FORM of writing may place it on the FORM pig. (The FATP pig slides are included in the FATP presentation).
•Print posters (8.5×11) for independent or small group work.
Student/Small Group Practice:
•FATP brainstorming pigs in black & white (4 pages)
•Identify FATP example pages for practice (5 pages with answer key)
•“Your Turn” peer practice worksheet
•FATP planning writing organizer
•FATP posters for bulletin board
•FATP one page reference sheet
•FATP student reference in color and black and white (copy front to back long edge)
•FATP planning sticky notes in color and black & white
3. Student Feedback Sticky Notes (Conferring)
My students and I are always using sticky notes, especially when giving and receiving feedback. I use these sticky notes in a few ways:
- Teacher giving feedback to students
- Students give feedback to each other (peer feedback) during writing conferences, small group work, projects, and during museum walks
- Students give themselves feedback in order to reflect and to set goals
5 Sticky Note Templates:
- 2 Stars and a Wish
- Give Me Kind, Specific and Helpful feedback
- Give Me Five (stars, wishes, questions, goals, tips, strategies)
- Reflect (2) for peer and self-reflection
4 Classroom posters for reference:
- 2 Stars and a Wish
- Give Me Kind, Specific, and Helpful feedback
- Give Me Five
- Reflect (Self and Peer Reflection)
4. Revising Sticky Notes (Revising)
Revising Formula:
+ Add- What can be added to the writing to make it better
– Subtract- What can be subtracted from the writing to make it better
X Change- What can be changed in the writing to make it better
/ Divide- How/where can the writing be divided to make it better
•Sticky Note Printing Template
44 Six Traits Sticky Note (3×3) Checklists:
•All The Traits of Writing checklist: I added, I subtracted, I changed and I divided (4)
•Checklists with the formula: I added, I subtracted, I changed, I divided, for each trait: Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice. Sentence Fluency, Conventions (6)
•Ideas checklist- one of each: I added, I subtracted, I changed and I divided (4)
•Organization checklist- one of each: I added, I subtracted, I changed and I divided (4)
•Voice checklist- one of each: I added, I subtracted, I changed and I divided (4)
•Word Choice checklist- one of each: I added, I subtracted, I changed and I divided (4)
•Sentence Fluency checklist- one of each: I added, I subtracted, I changed and I divided (4)
•Conventions checklist- one of each: I added, I subtracted, I changed and I divided (4)
•Blank Checklists of each: Add, Subtract, Change, Divide (4)
•Blank checklists with formula (+, -, X, /) for each trait: Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice. Sentence Fluency, Conventions (6)
5. Six Traits Posters, Sticky Notes & Checklists
What’s included:
•Sticky Note Printing Template
Six Traits Sticky Note (3×3) Checklists in both color and black & white:
•Word Choice
•Sentence Fluency
Other Sticky Notes Checklists:
•All the traits
•Revising Checklist
•Editing Checklist
•Peer Conferring
•Self Reflection (2)
•Peer Reflection (2)
8.5 x 11 Six Traits Checklist Posters for your Writer’s Workshop bulletin board in both color and black and white:
Word Choice
•Sentence Fluency
•All The Traits
•Revising Checklist
•Editing Checklist
•Peer Conferring checklist
Six Traits Student Reference Checklists for Writer’s Workshop notebooks, folders, or binder ring
•Word Choice
•Sentence Fluency
•All The Traits
•Revising Checklist
•Editing Checklist
•Peer Conferring checklist
Writer’s Workshop Toolkit EXTRAS
•Peer Conferring Checklist
•Revising Conference Plan
•Revising checklist
•Editing checklist
•Two Stars & a Wish
•Writer’s Workshop folder cover
•The Writing Process handout
•Good Writing Habits and Peer Sharing Guidelines
•Writing Center Task Card Poster
This is a digital download. You will get all of these resources as a PDF and/or PowerPoint.
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