Writing in the upper elementary grades becomes a challenge as the expectations increase. Some students really have a tough time following through with each step of the writing process. This football theme makes it more fun and increases student engagement throughout the writing process. Perfect for your reluctant writers, boys, a game-based classroom, or just for FUN!!!
•5 Football Theme Writing Process Posters – Planning, Drafting, Revising, Editing & Publishing for your Writer’s Workshop bulletin board or writing reference wall
•6 Revising Checklists (Six Traits Checklist, +Add checklist, -Subtract checklist, X Change Checklist, / Divide Checklist, + – X / Checklist)- Half sheet
•Editing Checklist– Half sheet
•Huddle Peer Confer Checklist– Half sheet
•Teacher Conferring Log– In each box record the date & name of the student with a short blurb of what each student will work on after the conference. Ex. Suzy will revise her writing & focus on organization. Juan will add more details that show, not tells.
•Status of the Class Horizontal Playing Field Banner – allows teachers to know the status of each student’s progress at any given point of time in the writing process. Includes the 5 stages of the writing process.
*Laminate the Status of The Class banner horizontally beginning at planning, drafting, revising, editing & publishing. Each student gets a football “player.” Put students’ names or initials on players and laminate the sheet of players. Students each get a player and place it where they are in the writing process on the field. Putty or Velcro squares work well once the field and players are laminated. Students move their players across the field throughout the writing process until they get to the publishing/end goal. This is a great visual for teachers to see a quick snapshot of where all students are in the writing process.
•1 page of 24 boy football players for the status of the class poster
•1 page of 24 boy and girl players for the status of the class poster
•1 page of 24 girl football players for the status of the class poster
•Writing Goal template
This is a digital download (PDF).
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